Saturday, July 16, 2011

Salsas and Dips

Yesterday the Joshua Farm celebrated 5 years of sustainable agriculture and youth employment in Harrisburg. It was a busy day, but I missed most of the flurry out in the field because I was happily chopping and mixing in the kitchen. I started out with a laundry list of recipes and ingredients, and proceeded to fill a large rubbermaid tub with delicious veggies and herbs from the farm. We purchased a few things, such as parmesan cheese, plain yogurt, chickpeas, and mayo, but the majority of the dips came straight from our productive little plot.
Here's what I started with:

And here's a glimpse of the mess in the middle:

Sadly, I don't have any photos of the finished product because I barely had time to finish everything. 8:30-5 dancing around in the kitchen with a knife, with a brief break to have Cameron help me make lunch and to eat with the rest of the busy farm workers. That's my idea of a good day :)
For those who were interested in the recipes, I'm going to just list all of the ones from the "Simply in Season" cookbook- if you want them, buy the book!
  • Herb Veggie Dip
  • Pesto
  • Fresh Summer Salsa
  • Green Surprise Dip (I used Kale)
I also made Peach Salsa (at Kirsten's request and her verbal recipe):
  • Equal parts chopped tomatoes and peaches
  • A handful of minced red onion
  • A dash of finely minced garlic
  • Chopped cilantro to taste
  • A pinch of salt
  • Lime Juice
This was my first time to ever have peach salsa and it was delicious!

Other items included:

Blueberry Cornmeal Loaf Cake from the "Recipes from the Old Mill: Baking with Whole Grains" made with cornmeal from my daddy's field.

and last but not least:

Roasted Garlic Hummus from Annie's Eats
This was my first time to roast garlic and it was really fun. You should try it sometime!

1 comment:

  1. The recipes look amazing (love Simply in Season!). Sorry I couldn't make it out on Friday night, but I hope it was a blast. Praying for you and your group as you head back to Bolivia. Send Rodeo my love, and I'll be looking forward to your updates!
