Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Writer's Block

I have writer's block, senioritis and various other academic ailments.
The dreary day doesn't help much at all. All I really want to do is sit on the ground and work on my braided rug, or watch the sprouts grow in the little sprout-growing contraption that my mom gave to me.
For those of you who haven't seen my rug, here's the latest portrait of my "baby". She grows slowly but surely. Right now, she's nearly 7 feet long and 5 feet wide, and that's probably about where she'll stop.

I have to plug away at some reading, reports, and an executive summary that is frustrating my non-business minded brain. I'd rather just do something, not talk about doing it!
At least I get to go to the Joshua Farm this afternoon :) The plethora of little seedlings is always a huge boost to my spirits. Well, I ought to get back to that executive summary...


  1. I love your "baby". She is so blue - perfect for my dining room. When can I babysit?

  2. Roanna, it's beautiful!!!

    I spent a bit of time this morning reading some of your past posts. You are an inspiration! I'm adding you to my favorite reads :)
